Industrial buildings
new & reconstructed production facilities
- Bang & Olufsen I
- Bang & Olufsen II
- Pro-Logik
- Volvo Group, Truck centrum - Olomouc
- Reconstruction and annex of Edwards Lutín areal
- Hella Mohelnice Dostavba areálu 2006-2008
- Honeywell Aerospace
- Miele I
- Miele II and III
- Miele IV and V
- Doosan Bobcat Engineering
- Doosan
- Eluvio
- Industrial zone Uničov
- Industrial zone Uničov II
- Pila Vápenná
- SPRO Multipark
- Servis CLIMAX
- Mačák Transport
- Správní budova ALSOL
- IR AIR Solutions Group
- Koyo bearings
- Remarkplast Luká
- Remarkplast Bohuslavice
- Koyo - Olomouc
- Thona
- M.L.S. Olomouc
- Petrol station
- Headlight design center, LI Centrum, HELLA AUTOTECHNIK NOVA
- Storage hall Comet
- Torrington
- Workshop hall Hopax Červenka
- Odry metal machining factory
- Storage of oils and lubricants Conetol Olomouc
- Finishing of factory Bohm Plast-technik Moravská Třebová
- Logistics centre Geis Prostějov
- Granitol Moravský Beroun new hall building
- Siemens - Mohelnice
- SEV - Litovel
- ABO valve - Olomouc
- EPCOS & TDK Group Company - Šumperk
- Aquaindustrial - Olomouc
- Research and development centers
Research and development objects of companies
- Výzkumná a vývojová centra
- IR Engineering and Technology Center
- IR Group Uničov - Zkušebny kompresorových jednotek
- Edwards Lutín - Vývojové centrum a čisté prostory
- Sigma Lutín - Nová hydraulická zkušebna, modernizace hydraulické laboratoře
- Hella Autotechnik - Nové vývojové centrum LI s goniometry
Backbone communications & utilities
- Průmyslový areál Olomouc, Hněvotín
- Průmyslový areál Uničov
- Průmyslový areál Zábřeh
Commercial buildings
- Aquapark - Balneo
- Agring, building of AGP Atelier
- AutoCentrum SEAT
- AutoCentrum VOLKSWAGEN
- MIO Michalík
- Jotto
- Retail park Olomouc
- TS Bohemia
- Autosalons Volkswagen and Audi Brno
- Business center Kika Ostrava
- Shopping unit OR Blue Jeans
- Shopping unit Gran Moravia, Olomouc
- Commercial buildings
- Andrův stadium Olomouc
- Stadium in Hejčín, Olomouc
- Obchodní centrum Sigma - Lutín
Communal buildings
- Salm's palace
- Městský úřad Litovel
- Moravian theatre I
- Moravian theatre II
- School, kindergarten Luká
- Day care facility Luká
- Asylum for youngsters and adult men Dřevohostice
- Kindergarten Červenka
- Recruitment centre of Czech Army
- Reconstruction of District Office Olomouc
- Reconstruction of Salm's palace in Olomouc
- Reconstruction of crown fortress Olomouc
- Libavá garrison house reconstruction
- Savín house of culture reconstruction
- Thermal insulation of ZŠ Stupkova, Olomouc
- Reconstruction of school canteen Holečkova, Olomouc
- Reconstruction of school canteen Nedvědova, Olomouc
- Reconstruction of school canteen Řezníčkova, Olomouc
- Valdice - building of prison kitchen
- Reconstruction of school canteen Heyrovského,Olomouc
- Reconstruction of prison kitchen vaz. Věznice Olomouc
- Reconstruction of school canteen Stupkova,Olomouc
- Reconstruction of kitchen ÚSP Nové zámky
- Reconstruction of school & kindergarten - Svatoplukova Olomouc
- Annex of kindergarten - Haňovice
- Přístavba spolkového domu - Dubčany
- Centrála Arcibiskupských lesů a statků & soubor 5 hájenek - Olomouc
- Reconstruction of kitchen gymnázium Hejčín
- Public sector
Food industry
- Brazzale Moravia
- Adriana
- Orrero factory annex building
- SELIKO a.s., Olomouc
- Želechovice reconstruction of beef farm for meat production
- Loštice, kitchen and canteen repair
- Moving of production facility Napro Olomouc
- Cider factory Týn nad Bečvou
Agricultural buildings
- After-harvest line ZD Senice na Hané
- After-harvest line ZD Unčovice
- Storage silos Rostěnice
- Těšetice reconstruction of stable for dairy cows
- Hnojice annex of heifer rearing building
- Storage silos Švábenice
- Reconstruction of stable K-170 VÚSCH Rapotín
- After-harvest line Slovácký statek Hodonín
- Chemicals storage reconstruction Drahanovice
- Grain silos Slavkov
- Grain silos Stařechovice
- Silage mangers Štarnov
- Reconsgtruction of silage platform Loučany
Housing buildings
- Family house estate Hlušovice
- Apartment houses Topolovka
- Revitalisation of panel houses Olomouc, Šternberk, Uničov